Undone: An Adult Romance - Book One Kindle Edition by Lucia Jordan (Author) Format: Kindle Edition FREE BOOKS

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by Lucia Jordan  (Author)  Format: Kindle Edition

The shock throws Gia’s whole world into turmoil – is this the worst thing that could have happened? Or is it the answer to all her dreams?

Gia loves her job working as a paramedic. She loves the adrenalin rush and sense of fulfillment that comes from saving lives, and has sacrificed almost everything else in order to satisfy her addiction to her work. When Gia finds herself at the end of a long shift doing CPR with a stranger, she can’t deny the sparks that fly between them. What follows is the most intensely animalistic and sensual encounter Gia has ever experienced. His raw dominance is an immediate turn-on, and he takes her further than she’s ever been before.

But when she shows up to work the next day, she discovers that her mysterious stranger is none other than David Teller, the millionaire businessman who has just bought the hospital where she works. The new reality throws Gia’s whole world into disarray – but will this turn of events be exactly what she needs?

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